Allegiant Farm
Allegiant – al
Services Offered
Offering only the best for your best friend.-
As of September 1, 2015 we will no longer be boarding horses in McHenry County.
I specialize in working with problem horses,
My goal with any lesson is to get you and your horse safely moving forward in a comfortable manner for both of you.
Lovely Setting
Set in a quiet spot between Woodstock and Harvard we have the perfect place to board your horse.
Set in a quiet spot betwe…
Room to roam
Roomy Stalls
Equine Sports Massage Therapy
Increase your horse’s performanceI am a Certified Equine Sports Massage Therapist, certified at the Institute of Therasage in Janesville, Wisconsin in 2004. Massage Therapy being one of the oldest forms of therapy is an amazingly simple way to increase your horse
Contact Us
Please feel free to contact me with any questions you may haveAllegiant Farm
Jennie Rizza, Certified Equine Sports Massage Therapist
Harvard, Illinois
General Inquiry